Welcome to The Restaurant Realtor! This blog was created to be a resource for industry professionals and customers alike. This is your new official guide for restaurant news, focusing on real estate related topics, best business practices, and general market conditions throughout the hospitality industry.
How It Started
In September of 2022 I became a licensed real estate agent in the state of New Jersey. This really strengthened my position as the restaurant resource for my peers. Deciding where to hang my license was easy. I am a licensed real estate agent and sales consultant at Delaney Restaurant Realty. Delaney has been uniting buyers and sellers for over 20 years. I had worked with Tim for almost four years in my previous role as Membership Director at the NJ Restaurant and Hospitality Association. (You can learn more about my bio and work history here). My passion for helping buyers and sellers drove me to create this blog. Now customers and clients can learn about restaurant news at their convenience!
How It’s Going
In addition to these blog posts, I frequently post on my social media pages. If you’re on social, make sure to follow me on LinkedIn @JenniferBono for more posts about restaurant listings and trending news. You can follow my personal Instagram page @therestaurantrealtor for more posts about related restaurant content and my life as the restaurant realtor.
I hope this blog serves as your resource. New Jersey is one of the most regulated states for real estate alone with ever-changing litigation for restaurants. Avoid the noise. Get the latest restaurant news at your fingertips. Stay up to date, stay in compliance, and stay in business with the Restaurant Realtor. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I would love to meet you!
Cheers 🥂
Jennifer Bono

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